SCV - Col. Robert G. Shaver Camp 1655
Links to Related Sites
Arkansas Confederate Veterans and Personalities
Arkansas Events
Arkansas Units and Allies
Arkansas Confederate Unit Reenactors
Sons of Confederate Veterans
Daughters of the Confederacy
Order of the Confederate Rose
Historical Documents
Civil War related maps
Miscellaneous Arkansas Items
Arkansas Confederate Veterans and Personalities
John Henry Asbill, 2nd Ark. Inf.
Calvin Jones Andrews, 3rd Confederate States Cav.
Maj. Gen. Patrick Ronayne Cleburne, Army of Tennessee
Major Fontaine Richard Earle, 34th Ark. Inf.
John Wilson Peel Family, 1st Ark. Mtd. Rifles, 16th Ark. Inf.
James Trooper Armstrong, 9th Ark. Inf.
Private Caswell Hall Barnhill, 5th Ark. Inf.
Colonel George J. Crump
David Owen Dodd, Boy Martyr of Arkansas
Maj. Gen. James F. Fagan, Army of the Trans-Mississippi
Maj. Gen. Thomas C. Hindman, Army of the Trans-Mississippi
James Frank Hopkins
Private Daniel Ketner, 38th Ark. Inf.
The Knox Brothers, 5th Ark. Inf.
General Ben McCulloch, McCulloch's Division
Sergeant M.V. Ray, 4th Miss. Inf.
Colonel Robert G. Shaver, 7th Ark. Inf.
Sergeant Calvin Stuckey, 11th Ark. Inf.
Private William Stuckey, 2nd Ark. Inf.
Private James D. Stuckey, Poe's Ark. Cav.
Corporal George Washington Terry, 9th Ark. Inf.
Colonel Alexander Spotswood Vandeventer, 50th Virginia Inf.
Colonel Van H. Manning, 3rd Arkansas Inf.
Colonel John Griffith, 11th and 17th Arkansas Inf.
Arkansas Events
Arkansas Units and Allies
1st Arkansas Infantry, their true character
Arkansas Confederate Unit Rosters, including 7th, 38th, 45th Regiments
Arkansas Confederate Unit Roster, Co. F, 4th Arkansas Infantry
Arkansas Confederate Unit Roster, Co. C, 4th Arkansas Infantry
Arkansas Confederate Unit Roster, Co. C, 37th Arkansas Infantry
Arkansas Unit Rosters
Arkansas POW's who died at Rock Island Prison, Illinois
History of 10th Arkansas Infantry and 10th Arkansas Cavalry
Arkansas Confederate Unit Reenactors
3rd Arkansas Infantry
6th Arkansas Infantry
7th Arkansas Infantry
Newton's 8th Arkansas Infantry
8th Arkansas Infantry
19th Arkansas Infantry
Trans-Mississippi Rifles
Sons of Confederate Veterans
Army of the Trans-Mississippi of which we are a proud part.
SCV Headquarters
Arizona Division of the SCV
Florida Division of the SCV
Georgia Division of the SCV
Kentucky Division of the SCV
Louisiana Division of the SCV
Missouri Division of the SCV
Tennessee Division of the SCV
Texas Division of the SCV
Virginia Division of the SCV
3rd Brigade, Florida Division
Secession Camp #4 (SC)
Capt. Raphael Semmes Camp #11 (AL)
Taliaferro County Camp #76 (GA)
Longstreet-Zollicoffer Camp #87 (TN)
Henry Watkins Allen Camp #133 (LA)
Simonton-Wilcox Camp #257 (TN)
Sgt. Charlie Dickison Camp #534 (FL)
M.M. Parsons Camp #718 (MO)
Wakulla Guards Camp #742 (FL)
Maj. Gen. Joseph Wheeler Camp #863 (GA)
Brig. Gen. E. Kirby Smith Camp #1209 (FL)
Maj. John T. Lesley Camp #1282 (FL)
Dick Dowling Camp #1295 (TX)
Gen. James R. Chalmers #1312 (TN)
Stephen R. Mallory Camp #1315 (FL)
John Hunt Morgan Camp 1342 (KY), nice page
General Mahone Camp #1369 (VA)
McCleod Moring Camp #1386 (GA)
Pee Dee Rifles Camp #1419 (SC)
The Battle of Shiloh Camp #1451 (TN)
Major Fontaine M. Earle Camp #1453 (AR)
Col. Leonidas Lafayette Polk Camp #1486 (NC)
19th Virginia Camp #1493 (VA)
Savage/Goodner Camp #1513 (TN)
Sherrod Hunter Camp #1525 (AZ)
William H.L. Wells Camp #1588 (TX)
Capt. James I. Waddell Camp #1608 (MD)
Daniel H. Hill Camp #1609 (NC)
Robert E. Lee Camp #1640 (TN)
General de Polignac Camp #1648 (TX)
Southern Nation Camp #1677 (GA)
Co. F, 33rd Reg., NC State Troops Camp #1695 (NC)
Confederate Secret Service #1710 (AZ)
Jones County Rosin Heels Camp (MS)
10th S.C. Ladies Auxiliary
United Daughters of the Confederacy
National UDC Page
UDC Mid-Cities Bluebonnet Chapter #2429 (TX)
Arkansas UDC
Children of the Confederacy
Order of the Confederate Rose
Wilhelmina Sager Chapter (AR)
Historical Documents
Cleburne's Memorial The finest of Arkansas
The ORIGINAL Arkansas Genealogy Pages The First
with the Most
Arkansas Civil War Maps
Map of Arkansas battlefields
Miscellaneous Arkansas items
Battle of Shiloh a beautiful page by another guy named Gerdes
"Company I" a one man play by one of our members
Discover Arkansas where y'all need to be
E-Mail American Civil War Game it's a good one
Gaston's White River Resort great fishing, and a protector of Arkansas CW sites
ReWep Associates take a look at their great items
The Color Guard check this newsletter out monthly
Sons of Union Veterans, Farragut Camp #6 (TN), working to remember ALL of those who fought
This web page authored by Mark Gerdes.
Last updated May 2, 1997.
Page and all contents Copyright© 1996,1997 by SCV Camp #1655,
Jonesboro, Arkansas.