135th Anniversary Battle of Jonesboro Services
August 2, 1997

Saturday August 2, 1997 is the 135th Anniversary of the battle that took place
during the Civil War between the 30th Arkansas Infantry Regiment (CSA) and
the 1st Wisconsin Cavalry (Federal) on the Courthouse Square in downtown
At 2:00 P.M. a presentation on the Battle of Jonesboro will be given inside
the courthouse (air-conditioning you know!). At 3:00 P.M. there will be
living history displays by Confederate and Union reenactors on the Courthouse
lawn. At 4:00 P.M. the dedication of the new marker that commemorates the
battle and honors the dead on both sides will take place with military ceremonies
conducted by Confederate and Federal reenactors. Refreshments will be available
on site.
This event is sponsored by Camp 1655 and the Craighead County Historical Society.
Everyone is welcome and encouraged to attend.

This web page authored by Mark Gerdes.
Last updated July 28, 1997. Page and all contents Copyright© 1996 by SCV Camp #1655, Jonesboro, Arkansas.