Prairie Grove 1998
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One of Arkansas's premier reenacting events recreating the Dec. 7, 1862 Battle of Prairie Grove.  The battle pitted the Confederate forces under General Thomas C. Hindman against two Union forces, one under General Blunt and the other under General Herron.  Confederate forces remained in immediate possession of the field but soon withdrew from the area leaving the Federals in control of Northwest Arkansas.  The recreation of the battle takes place on the actual battleground which makes it very special indeed.  The 1st Arkansas joined up with the 7th Arkansas temporarily attached to the Trans-Mississippi Battalion.  In the Saturday battle our role was to deliver a stunning flank attack against the Federals which delivered the final blow and resulted in their surrender.   This was a nice event with a good turnout and terrific weather for the battle on Saturday.  If you are in the northwest Arkansas stop by and take a look at this beautiful historic park.
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Be Patient, lots of Pictures
Confederate soldiers
Yankee Infantry Camp
Confederates in reserve
Confederate Company
Rebel Artillery
Yank Skirmishers in trouble
Yank battalion in line
Missouri HQ Tent
 Copyright 1999, 1st Arkansas Infantry Regiment Co. D, All Rights Reserved.  Some photos Copyright 1999 by Danny Honnoll, All Rights Reserved.